When it comes to matters of the heart, every woman is the same because they love to pay attention to these red flags. There’s no greater moment of anticipation for a woman than when her partner drops down on one knee and presents her with a sparkling engagement ring.
Every lady craves for this day to come. No woman wants to be in this position.
However, there are warning signs every lady should watch out for. This should be done before entering into a lifelong commitment that accepting the ring demands.
The signs are potential red flags that could signal trouble down the road.
In this article, we will delve into seven key warning signs. These are signs that every woman should be aware of before accepting the ring. Noticing these signs and doing something about them will ensure that every woman enters into marriage with clarity and confidence.
Below are the red flags every woman should pay attention to before accepting the proposal ring:
1. Lack of Communication
Communication is the major factor of a healthy relationship. It is essential for partners to be able to express their thoughts, feelings to each other. This should be done plainly and honestly.
If your catch your partner struggling to communicate effectively, it is a sign. It could be a red flag that they’re not ready for the level of commitment that marriage entails.
How your partner approaches difficult conversation is one of the places to look. This will give you an insight to how they feel deep within.
Pay attention to how your partner whether they’re willing to work through conflict.
Don’t jump into creating excuses for them. If you do so, you cannot escape creating excuses all the days of your life. Face the fact.
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2. Financial Instability
Money matters can be a major source of stress in a relationship. It is important to consider your partner’s financial situation before taking the plunge into marriage. Watch how your partner handles their money.
Is your partner irresponsible with money? Does he accumulate debt? Does he lack financial goals and plans for the future? Is he willing to work towards building a secure financial foundation for your shared lives together?
Your answer to these questions is important. It would reveal things that would spell out trouble for your future together, vice versa.
Pay attention to how your partner manages their finances. Put your eyes there.
3. Lack of Trust
Trust is what every successful marriage is built on. It is essential for partners to be able to rely on each other and have faith in their commitment to one another.
Is your partner exhibiting jealousy? Is he possessive? Does he trust you? These are more questions to ask yourself. The answer to this question will tell you whether to accept the ring.
Lack of trust is a warning sign that they’re not capable of building a healthy, secure partnership. Pay attention to how your partner handles trust issues. Find out too if they are willing to work on it, if they fall of short of it.
They have to be willing to work towards building a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect before you accept the ring. You have to be clear about this.
Before accepting the ring, you have to answer some question. You will have yourself to blame if you do not do so.
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4. Emotional Unavailability
Emotional intimacy is essential for a thriving marriage. It is important to be with a partner who is emotionally available and capable of connecting on a deep level. This is a mark of a relationship that will last.
Does your partner struggle to express their emotions? Do they shut down during difficult conversations? Do they shy away from being vulnerable about their past? These are more questions to answer.
Emotional unavailability is a red flag. It tells you that they’re not ready for the emotional demands of marriage. Pay attention to how your partner communicates and whether they’re willing to open up and share their feelings with you.
5. Different Life Goals
While opposites may attract, it can be the reason your marriage scatters. It is important for partners to be aligned in their long-term goals and aspirations for the future. Your paths should be similar.
You and your partner should not have different values, priorities, or life goals. It could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction down the road. Pay attention to whether your partner shares your vision for the future.
When this is not the case, are they willing to compromise and work towards your common goals? This is a good question to ask before accepting the ring.
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6. Lack of Respect
Everything on this list should be approached practically. You should not discuss anything. Nothing is too small. A red flag no matter how small it is can wreak a lot of havoc in the long run.
Respect is non-negotiable in any healthy relationship. You deserve to be with a partner who treats you with kindness, dignity, and respect.
If your partner belittles, criticizes, or demeans you, it’s a clear red flag. It means that they’re not they don’t deserve you. Pay attention to how your partner treats you and whether they value your opinions, feelings, and boundaries.
7. History of Infidelity or Abuse
This is the most serious red flag of all.
Is there a history infidelity or abuse in your relationship?
Does your partner have a pattern of cheating, lying, or engaging in abusive behavior? It this is so, it’s a clear indication that they’re not capable of building a healthy partnership.
Pay attention to any warning signs of past or current infidelity or abuse. People do not change like we think they do. That it happened in the past means it can reoccur. Prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.
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Getting into marriage is exciting. It is every lady’s dream. However, when this phase of life is not approached with caution, the result can be devastating. Women need to approach the decision with caution and discernment.
By paying attention to these seven red flags, you will be entering into marriage prepared. The opposite is the case if you trivialize them.
Leave emotion aside while attending to these red flags. What you do with them can make or mar your marriage. Which of these red flags do you pay attention to the most?